Today I visited the first cut exhibition in Manchester, it was pretty impressive! I got to see some work from artists such as Su Blackwell, Andrea Masteovito and some others that I have recently researched during my foundation degree.
Su Blackwell is an artist I have recently been studying and had a great impact on my 3D foundation work, so I was really excited to see her work close up, and was amazed by the amount of detail that she captures in her tiny, intricate installations. The one above is made out of the book; 'Wuthering Heights', and the image on the left is a plant growing out of the book.
There were quite a few references towards nature and plants, this is actually a flower magazine cut up and positioned to look like a real bouquet of flowers, I liked the layering in this piece, even though the paper is 2D it adds a sense of dimension to it.
These are close ups from one of my favorite pieces I saw. It's by Andrea Masteovito, The actual piece was much larger and covered a whole wall in the gallery; too big to photograph fully without losing detail, but here you can get an idea of just how detailed it was. I think it works really well, it's pretty creepy actually.
I've seen some great work today and really enjoyed the gallery, It was amazing to see what people could create just out of paper and It's sparked some great ideas for my upcoming illustration projects, watch this space!